Section: Dissemination


  • F. Campillo and M. Joannides have given a 20 hours lecture on “Stochastic modelling of ecosystems” at the Master 2 in Biostatistics in Université de Montpellier II.

  • A. Rapaport has given a 25 hours lecture on differential equations with applications in the “Practical Mathematics” module for 1st year students in MSc in Mathematics at University Montpellier II.

  • C. Casenave, F. Campillo, J. Harmand and A. Rapaport are in charge of two modules in the new MSc program “STIC - Environnement” at University Montpellier II:

    • Introduction to mathematical modelling, master I (50 hours)

    • Advanced mathematical modelling, master II (75 hours)

  • C. Casenave, F. Campillo and A. Rapaport have delivered a 20 hours doctoral module at University Montpellier II, entitled “Modelling for biology and ecology – mathematical and computational methods”.

  • A. Rapaport and T. Bayen have given six lectures on mathematical modelling for 1st year students of SupAgro Montpellier.

  • A. Rapaport has given two lectures on Modelling and numerical simulations at the “EcoSystèmes” Master at University of Montpellier II.